Department of Electronics & Communication
This course is inculcated into the curriculum to produce talented engineers in the field of Electronics & Communication Engineering. Emphasis is on teaching design, testing and implementation of electronic circuits required for communication-related areas. Students are taught the applications of Electronics in the field of Communication Systems, Computer Engineering, Radar Engineering, Satellite Communication, etc. TANNER, Cadence Tools for back-end design, supposed to be the best and adopted worldwide, are used.
The institute works on
- Providing quality student-centred education and equal opportunities to all.
- Providing academic environment to facilitate better teaching-learning process.
- Providing opportunities for development of personal and professional quality of students and staff.
- Providing better climate for healthy organisation.
- Fostering innovative and creative education leadership.
- Interacting with stakeholders for better quality education and satisfying them.
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Academic Association
Lab Facilities of Electronics & Communication Department
- Electronics Lab : 11 LABS on different subjects like CP, Software Engg. , DBMS, OOPS, Graphics & Multimedia and Major Project lab. Total No. of Computer Systems in the dept. are 300 approx. All laboratories are equipped with latest CORE 2 DUO Computers, scanners, printers.
- Microwave Lab : The laboratory has good microwave bench to train students in the field of microwave engineering. Apart from other equipments, Gunn-oscillators & Klystron-oscillators are available for practicals.
- Microprocessor Lab : The department has a well equipped microprocessor lab having sufficient number of 8085, 8086, Z-80, VM-85/9 kits. In addition to this, there are micro-controller kits, micro-training kits & EPROM programmer
- Communication Lab : There are AM, FM, PSK, FSK, PPM, PWM, PAM & QPSK kits available for practicals.
- TV Lab : Wide range of receivers and transmitters are available for practical purposes. TV Tutors are also present.
- PCB Lab : Sophisticated PCB development system is available for making high quality printed circuit boards. Photo etching & camera reduction techniques are also present. micro-controller kits, micro-training kits & EPROM programmer.
- Fiber Optics Lab : The lab has highly sophisticated equipment for optical fibre study, which include BER (COM) Bench-top Instrument, ED-COM Bench-top Instrument and 2 Channel WDM Kit by OPTOSCI, UK. The latest addition in equipment is WDM kit with 25 KM SMF link in accordance with ITU WDM grid.
- DSP Lab : The lab has a fully equipped computerised system and advanced micro-kits like TMS320C25 & TMS320C50 for conducting the requisite practices of final year students.
- Networks Lab : The lab is equipped with latest Encryption study kits.
- Digital Electronics Lab : This lab is used in basic Digital Electronics courses for the students of of B.Tech E& C streams. The lab is used for practical works related to Digital Circuits & Systems.In This Lab Student study about different types of logic gates, Flip-Flop, Latches, registers, multiplexers and Decoder etc. This Lab has more than 10 Equipments which are: Demorgan Theorem kit, Adder/ Subtractor, Multiplexer/Demultiplexer, Encoder/Decoder, Counter, Flip-Flop, Ring Counter ,Logic Gates, Shift Registers, Magnitude Comparator.
- Basic Electronics Lab : We would here study about rectifiers, amplifiers, Oscillators, etc., under the category of circuits. Apart from the components and circuits we must also have familiarity on the principle of operations and usefulness of Some of the essential electronic measuring instruments such as digital multimeters, regulated power supplies, Function generators, oscilloscopes, etc., These help us in trouble shooting the circuits and identify the faulty components Whenever the circuits that we build do not work as expected.
- MATLAB : For this lab students will be learning to use a program called MatLab (for "MATrix LABoratory"). MatLab is an extraordinarily useful tool for all kinds of engineering analysis and design. You can download it from the Data_Software server onto your computer. Matlab will be used extensively in all the labs. The primary goal of this lab is to familiarise yourself with using MATLAB. Here are three specific goals for this lab.
- Learn basic MATLAB commands and syntax, including the help system
- Learn to write and edit your own script ?les in MATLAB, and run them as commands.
- Learn a little about advanced programming techniques for MATLAB, i.e., vectorisation.
- VLSI : Electronics and communication department provides VLSI lab. This lab is used in VLSI design course for the student of I&II year M-Tech VLSI design .VLSI is related to silicon chip/integrated circuits and the lab has two instrument one is FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array)and the other is CPLD(Complex Programmable Logic Devices).Both generally used for field work so that any VHDL code can be downloaded into these programmable devices and then these can be used as hardware devices and the code can be validated by confirming the proper functioning of that hardware .Both the FPGA and CPLD basically differ in the way how the code is being downloaded into these devices.
- Instrumentation Lab : This lab is used in Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation course for the students of IInd year of B.Tech E& C streams. In this lab Students get knowledge about Measuring instruments and Transducers. In this lab students Measure the Pressure, Temperature, force, Displacement, Light and Load in terms of Electrical Voltage or Current using Transducers. Transducer is a device which converts Physical quantity into Electrical quantity. In this lab we have 10 major Transducers and 3 Bridges which are: LVDT Kit, RTD Kit, Thermistor Kit, Thermo couple Temperature transducer Kit, Load Cell, Strain Gauge, Pressure Cell, LCR Bridge, Ultrasonic Transducer, Light Measurement Kit, Maxwell Bridge, Anderson Bridge, Capacitance Bridge.