From The Visionary’s Desk
With the dawn of new academic year as I look back to the yesteryears, I find that education sector is booming. With the perpetual and strong support of the Board of Directors, a dedicated team of faculty members, administrative staff, excellent corporate relations & infrastructure, Vidhyapeeth is striving hard to be a leader in shaping the future of engineering education.
Our focus is to develop technocrats who could tackle the challenges of industry by continuously updating their knowledge and always keeping close contact with the state-of-art technologies. We emphasize on building technocrats of tomorrow & I would like to reinforce that our endevour is to keep a balance between the education and culture.We inculcate what the industrial sector requires.
We have accepted education & training as the primary mode of serving the society at large. This should not be taken for granted by any stretch of imagination that our endevour is to groom only future technocrats. We do understand and remember that unless the downtrodden and vulnerable sections of the society are simultaneously served for their upliftment to the best of our ability, we would be failing in our social responsibility.
I believe, by working together in an environment of trust and support, we would be able to achieve more success & fame in the years to come
Jai Hind
Chairman, VGI, Bhopal
Director Message
It is my great pleasure to welcome you all to VIDHYAPEETH GROUP OF INSTITUTIONS BHOPAL,an institute that believes in creating an environment that fosters strong academic foundation focused on research, industry academic-interactions and service to the community. As per the requirements of 21st-century a student must be technically competent, globally sophisticated, culturally aware, innovative and entrepreneurial, nimble, flexible, and mobile. The new paradigms for Higher & professional education are demanded to respond to the incredible pace of intellectual change, develop and implement new technologies, accommodate a far more holistic approach to address socio-economic & environmental needs of the hour, with technological design and innovation.We, therefore, at VIDHYAPEETH GROUP OF INSTITUTIONS BHOPAL, would like to encourage all students to thrive for the best to make them knowledgeable in their relevant domain with high self-esteem and discipline.
We are committed to nurturing juvenile minds and preparing them to face real life challenges. We encourage high academic standards and have high expectations of personal discipline and motivation from our students. The assurance of Academic excellence comes from a Well-planned result-oriented process, state of the art infrastructure, well equipped laboratories, rich library and high-end teaching program, delivered by well qualified and dedicated faculty, who take care to instill not just the knowledge but also the right attitude and skills in the students so that their education is holistic and relevant to a globalized context.We inculcate an attitude amongst our students, which transcends the young minds, from job seekers to service providers &empower them with the Wings of Knowledge and Power of Innovation
Amidst all this, we carve out time to balance academics with extra-curricular and social activities to give that additional dimension to all students. Sports and other co-curricular activities are encouraged and the students are given every form of support to develop their talents in all fields. We also Endeavour to instill in our students a keen sense of ethics so that they are worthy of public trust.
I and my worthy management are always ready to serve the student-fraternity for their full personality-development along with technical knowhow. Let us join hands and persevere by hard work to achieve our goal and bring more laurels to this institute.
I wish you a very happy and academically highly rewarding student life in VIDHYAPEETH GROUP OF INSTITUTIONS BHOPAL and hope that you will be by your good deeds, enhance the pride and prestige of this prestigious institution.
Jai Hind